Google Trends: Donald Trump Takes Over The Web Over Immigration and Impact of Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico Dominate Over Donald Trump

Donald Trump Takes Over The Web Over Immigration

Immigration and Donald Trump have been a trending topic in the recent few months due to the fact that Trump sent I.C.E to go on a hunt to catch illegal immigrants. According to an analysis to an analysis of Google Search on Google Trends, the ice raids that happened in August of this year started trending on social media. Because of social media, it helped bring awareness to illegal immigrants about their rights against I.C.E.

As you can see above, Ice raids was a trending topic in August because during that time, it was everywhere on social media. It was trending a lot on Twitter and there were videos on how as long as I.C.E. does not have a warrant from the judge, then illegal immigrants have the right to not speak to them. This information helped these people in fear know what to do in the situation.

As we all know, many Hispanic families live in the state of California and a lot of them illegally cross to California since it’s so close to Mexico. In the data above, the Southern region and Southwest region of California is shown to have been trending during that time. This shows that many people were in fear because they must have families who are illegal and want to know what to do in a worst case scenario.

Donald Trump has recently been searched by the whole country because of the immigration situations and him sending ICE to deport people. As you can see down below, Donald Trump was trending more than immigration because he is the one who has spoken poorly on this issue and caused fear upon these people.

Even though Donald Trump was trending more in that time period, immigration was still a trending topic in July-August because of the I.C.E raids Trump sent. These two trending topics are still continuing to be prominent in our country due to the fact that millions of immigrants are living here trying to live the American dream.

Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico Dominate Over Donald Trump

Hurricane Maria made landfall in September of 2017 becoming a Category 5. This hurricane destroyed a lot of land especially on the island of Puerto Rico. According to an analysis of Google Search on Google Trends, Hurricane Maria was more searched than Puerto Rico, which is where the hurricane caused the most damage. The data below is only based on the island of Puerto Rico to show what trended the most.

This hurricane brought a lot of grief and distress to the people of Puerto Rico because they lack resources in the medical field. As you can see below, the capitol of Puerto Rico searched up about the hurricane because they wanted to know when it would make landfall and what they should do to prepare for this storm. Nobody expected for around 3,000 lives to be lost from this disaster.

Donald Trump ended up trending worldwide because he went to visit Puerto Rico and did not do a good job of providing the island with the resources they needed. He went there and did not show an interest in trying to help the people and the island. This ended up upsetting many people worldwide and on the island that he became as a search of interest online.

However, Hurricane Maria was still being searched up a lot worldwide than Donald Trump because of the after affects it left on the island. Puerto Rico was searched up more than Donald Trump because everyone was more focused on what happened on the island than him.

Even though Hurricane Maria was the topic that trended the most in 2017, all of these trending topics were searched up a lot worldwide because everyone is curious about what is going on. As seen above on the map, it shows just how this hurricane created a frantic in people during this time that caused them to search these topics.